What to Expect
At Flourish Chiropractic and Wellness, we want to give you the best care and most customized experience we can offer. Your new patient appointment will be divided into two separate visits to give Dr. Amanda time to review your exam findings.
1st Visit
As part of your initial exam, we utilize an advanced chiropractic technology that scans your spine and delivers a computerized image of the stress and tension to your nervous system. We also take comparative scans throughout your care to assess and evaluate your progress.
HRV is quickly becoming the gold standard for measuring cardiovascular health. This technology is a global measure of how stressed the brain and nervous system are. It indicates the amount of autonomic reserve and resiliency the nervous system contains to deal with the abundant amount of stressors in today’s society.
This measures temperature. When there are disturbances to your nervous system along the spine, there are often temperature differences from side to side due to inflammation and changes in blood flow. A thermal scan is non-invasive and reveals the condition of your autonomic nervous system controlling your organs, glands and circulatory system.
Surface Electromyography measures the minute amounts of electrical energy in the muscles along your spine. Subluxations disturb the function of the nervous system. This can produce too much or too little electrical activity in your muscles. We use this highly-accurate, non-invasive scan to document your progress. It’s more accurate than how you feel.
During Your First appointment, the doctor will be taking an in-depth history to find out where the major stressors – physical, chemical and emotional have been. Due to the fact that our nervous systems is the stress adaptation system of our body, we are looking to see how that system could have been overwhelmed and cause the challenges you’re currently experiencing.
This is also the time we will discuss your goals for you and your family’s care! Dr. Amanda wants to ensure that we are on track with the same goals so you can be on the same path moving forward.
Core Score
The COREscore(TM) is computed by combining the scores from Thermography, Surface EMG, and HRV. It is an overall score of how efficient your brain and nervous system are functioning. You can think of it as your health report card. The scores range from 0-100, and much like a report card from school, 90-100 is equivalent to an A, 80-89 is equivalent to a B, and so on. We don’t guess about stress, we TEST!
2nd Visit
Report of Findings: During your Report of Findings, the doctor will go through your neurological scan results and your recommendations for care. Dr. Amanda takes pride in her care recommendations to ensure that you truly get the best results.
First Adjustment: When working with overwhelmed and stressed nervous systems, we take an overall approach of ‘less is more’ in which we look to calm the nervous system versus overstimulate it further. We take this approach in nearly all of our cases and truly see better results when the body is aided to help regulate and relax. We base our adjustments on our neurological scan results, with the ultimate goal of getting to the root cause of the neurological stress in order to get your body functioning at its optimal potential.
During your first adjustment, Dr. Amanda will explain everything, making sure to answer your questions so you can feel comfortable with your personalized adjustment.