A Fresh Start to a New Year
As we head into another new year many of us are making our resolutions or looking at ways we can improve ourselves. More money is put into savings for the first few weeks then forgotten about. The gyms are crowded until early March. The pantry is stocked with fruits and veggies until the next grocery run—and then it all starts over again, followed by a mound of frustration from not losing weight or accomplishing those goals. What if instead of setting a bunch of resolutions this year we set intentions to form regular, consistent healthy habits—one day at a time? Instead of setting a resolution to lose 10 pounds, set an intention to eat more wholesome and fewer processed foods every day. Instead of setting a resolution to hit the gym every day of the year, set an intention to form better movement patterns throughout the day. Forming smaller, more achievable habits on a regular basis will help you become more likely to achieve your health goals and for the long-term. We have 366 days of ahead of us this coming year. Each day is a fresh opportunity to reset and build a healthier version of yourself—one day at a time.