Move Like a Baby… Again

We all struggle with pain. What is causing all this pain, and how do we fix it? The latest research shows that injury and trauma are not the only causes of pain. Pain can be caused by other factors such as diet, mental, social, or even psychological factors. Did you know that if you have pain for more than 3 months it means that your brain has learned to be in pain? We have to retrain the brain out of that pain. The primary way we do this is through chiropracOc adjustments because we know that addressing the dysfuncOon of the spine plays a major role in making and maintaining these changes. But another way we do this is through movement paPerns.

Most of us have developed improper movement paPerns that have overwhelmed our brain. So we simply need to return to the basics. What is the first movement you ever learned-- even before you learned to crawl? Rolling. Think of how that rolling as a baby influenced your balance and coordinaOon as an adult. How oVen do you roll around? Probably not enough.

How about crawling? Think of the core muscles that engage as babies learn to crawl. These same movement paPerns are just as important as adults. When your muscles engage properly, they can give proper feedback to your brain. When they don’t funcOon properly then your brain gets a negaOve feedback – and your body receives the message as PAIN. So regardless of what type of pain you are experiencing, take it back to the basics. Move like a baby again. Your brain will thank you for it!


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